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GainLab Dictator

Price31 999.00
Base price31 999.00
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The Gainlab Audio Dictator is a high-end dual-tube vari-mu compressor designed to deliver smooth, musical compression with rich harmonics and vintage warmth. Inspired by classic tube compressors, the Dictator excels at adding depth, glue, and character to mixes, busses, and individual tracks. With its versatile controls and carefully tuned signal path, it offers everything from subtle dynamic control to bold, colorful compression. Whether you're shaping vocals, drums, or an entire mix, the Gainlab Audio Dictator provides the sonic authority and flexibility that professionals demand.


Gainlab Audio Dictator är en high-end dual-rör vari-mu kompressor som levererar mjuk, musikalisk kompression med rika övertoner och vintagevärme. Inspirerad av klassiska rörkompressorer briljerar Dictator i att tillföra djup, "glue" och karaktär till din mix, mix-buss och enskilda spår. Med sina mångsidiga kontroller 100% analoga signalväg erbjuder den allt från subtil dynamisk kontroll till kraftfull, färgstark kompression. Oavsett om du jobbar med sång, trummor eller en hel mix ger Gainlab Audio Dictator den ljudmässiga auktoritet och flexibilitet som proffs kräver.


The Dictator is a tube based dynamic controller wich is designed after a classic vari-mu compressors. Theoretically similar to the legendary Fairchild 670 and Gates STA-Level in addition to the contemporary solutions in order to have a better control over the sound. The bespoke design of the branch circuits we just simply call the "mu-follower". The two channels of the compressor can provide synchronised running throughout the whole range of the transition curve and so excellent gain reduction can be achieved. The time wise working parameters and the saturation characteristics are very familiar to the known tube based compressors.

The Dictator is a true vari-mu compressor wich consist a pair of pentodes that were mass produced in exceptional quality during Warsaw Pact in countries such as Hungary, East Germany or Poland. The surrounding circuits of the tube amplifier are using the latest technical solutions that allow the most precise parallel channel working characteristics wich helps to achieve extreme setup conditions. For instance, it can be pulsing on a masterbus or it can produce crispy saturation alongside never existed transients and dirty breaks. Or work as a simple saturator with minimal dynamic control. Our intention was to create a master compressor and bus compressor for mixing, but in experienced hands the Dictator can be used as a sound design tool as well. The Dictator keeps every aspect of the sound in hand, it is precise however not always clean, just like all the dictators from the history books.


Field of application

- Master compressor

- Bus compressor

- Tracking compressor

- Sound Design

- Saturator


Main properties

- True dual pentode tube design

- Modern line driver

- Military grade vacuum tubes (6k4p-EV (6К4П-EB) long life pentode)

- Permalloy transformers


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Lo/High Comp
Freq. Response
Rack Spaces
2 U
48,3 x 28 x 8,9 cm
4,2 kg