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Price2 299.00
Base price2 299.00
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What would you like to know about Friedman BUXOM BOOST?



BUXOM BOOST  Boostpedal med EQ


Buxom Boost är en otroligt mångsidig boostpedal med en genialisk EQ sektion. Boostdelen har 2 reglage, den ena, och givna är ren  Boost. Här väljer du helt enkelt hur mycket du vill att pedalen skall boosta. Reglage 2 heter Tight och med denna ratt väljer du hur mycket du vill Tighta till botten. Detta behövs ofta då en boostad signal ofta gör basen fladdrig och odefinierad.


EQ-delen har 3 rattar, Mid och Bass är passiva och funkar som vanligt. Svepet går från minimum till maximum. Treble-ratten däremot är aktiv och vid klockan 12 så är den neutral. Vrid ner den så skär du topp, vrid upp den så adderar du topp.


Utöver alla dessa funktioner kan med en switch koppla förbi EQ delen och använda pedalen som en ren Boost.


Sammantaget menar vi på att detta kan vara en av de mest användbara Boost-pedalerna på marknaden.



The Friedman Buxom Boost may be the most powerful tonal solution you ever put on your pedalboard. Like its namesake amp head, this pedal pushes a pure, clean signal to conjure the absolute most from your tone. Turning the boost control is your ticket to volume increase, pushing the front of your amp for thick harmonic overdrive, or balancing between two guitars with varying output. Whether you're after a tone tailored by its active mid, treble, and bass controls or the pedal's ability to achieve total transparency - thanks to its onboard EQ Bypass switch - it's all in there. We've even added a useful tight control for reigning in your tube amp's bottom end when boosted. As expected, every Buxom Boost pedal is crafted with the attention to detail and fine ear for tone that comes with Dave Friedman's name.


Your tone, just more of it. Just like the Friedman Buxom Betty amp head, the Buxom Boost sings with a completely clean tone that makes every nuance of your performance shine though. Simply flip the pedal's onboard EQ Bypass switch and you have a completely transparent signal, adding muscle to your guitar without ever changing its fundamental character.


Tuned for your rig. Though the Buxom Boost can be tonally invisible, its active 3-band EQ and powerful Tight control enables it to be anything but. With a stomp of a switch, you're able to balance the voice and output of two different guitars or push certain frequencies for a solo tone that cuts. With the Buxom Boost's high-quality components, you'll be astounded at how well it works for fine tuning your acoustic-electric guitar's plugged-in voice.

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EQ Boost
True Bypass
