DT 990 PRO 80 ohm
Open circumaural studio headphone for professional mixing and mastering. 80 ohm. Made in Germany.
DT 990 Pro är en dynamisk, öppen hörlur för musikstudion. Den har hög ljudkvalitet och utmärkt återgivning tack vare en konstruktion med ett ovanligt lätt membran. DT 990 Pro är robust byggd, med en stålfjäder inuti den vadderade bygeln, för att klara alla tänkbara fysiska påfrestningar. Dess mjuka öronkuddar gör den bekväm under långa arbetspass.
Applikationer: Mixning, mastering, monitorlyssning.
- Öppen studiohörlur
- Professionell version av prisbelönade DT 990
- Extremt lätt membran som ger hög ljudkvalitet
- Utmärkt ljudåtergivning
- Bekväm passform för långvarigt bruk
- Robust men servicevänlig konstruktion där alla delar är utbytbara
- Runda, omslutande öronkuddar
- Ensidig spiralkabel med 3,5 mm tele plus adapter till 6,3 mm tele
For decades now, professional users all around the world have placed their trust in our classic range: DT 770/880/990 PRO. These benchmark-setting studio headphones, available in three different models, boast extremely detailed resolution and very transparent sound.
The DT 990 PRO headphones is the range’s open-back model offering impressive spaciousness.
These open-back studio headphones are a reliable tool for any sound enthusiast. The wide stereo image and three-dimensional sound reproduction make the beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO headphones a loyal companion for producers. Outstanding tonal depth ensures that even small changes in the positioning of the acoustic source can be perceived while mixing.
With its open design, the circumaural receiver has outstanding spatiality and detailed depth gradation. The 80-ohms version impresses with the proven sound signature of the DT 990 PRO: prominent bass and extroverted highs. Compared to the 250-ohms version, the high frequencies are slightly reduced.
The single-sided cable allows the headphones to be put on and taken off frequently without cables getting tangled, and soft, adjustable ear cups provide for added comfort. The robust spring steel headband design ensures that the over-ear headphones also offer a secure fit.
One aspect that sets our products apart from the rest is that they are handmade in Germany. We are particularly proud of the durability of our products, because all the components used are replaceable if necessary.
The DT 990 PRO headphones are and always have been handcrafted in Germany. With their high-quality materials and meticulous workmanship, these studio headphones are a sound, long-term investment.
- DT 990 PRO 80 ohm
- Jack Adapter 6,35 mm
- Drawstring Bag