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Dreadbox Artemis

Price15 690.00
Base price15 690.00
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6-voice polyphonic analog synthesizer. 2x VCOs with waveshape, PWM and FM. 1x Sub wave and Noise generator. 1x 24/12dB low pass filter and 1x high pass filter. 2x ADSR envelopes. 2x poly LFOs. Stereo effects from Sinevibes. Polyphonic sequencer, arpeggiator, polyphonic aftertouch and more. Wood sides are sold as accessory.

Artemis är en 6-rösters polyfonisk analog synthesizer med två VCO:er samt sub-wave och brusgenerator. Båda oscillatorerna har vågformerna sågtand, fyrkant och triangel och kan med en ratt ställas i olika konfigurationer. Den har två filter, ett 24/12 dB lågpassfilter samt ett högpassfilter. Två ADSR Envelopes, ett dedikerat till VCA och ett för lågpassfilter och VCO FM. Två polyfoniska LFO:er med BPM-synk, Fade In, Xmod med mera. Artemis har även förädlats med polyfonisk sequencer, arpeggiator, polyfonisk aftertouch, stöd för MPE samt effekter från Sinevibes som distorsion, chorus, delay, reverb med mera.

Dreadbox Artemis is a 6-voice polyphonic analog synthesizer featuring two VCO’s, along with a sub wave and a noise generator. Both oscillators offer sawtooth, square, and triangle waveforms, which can be configured into various settings via a dedicated knob. It includes two filters: a 24/12 dB super creamy low-pass resonant filter with keyboard tracking, drive and oscillator/noise FM, and a high-pass filter. Additionally, there are two ADSR envelopes – one dedicated to the VCA and another for the low-pass filter cutoff and VCO FM amount.

The synthesizer is equipped with two polyphonic LFO’s featuring BPM sync, fade in, various waves and cross modulation controlling VCO pitch, VCF cutoff, VCO wave and VCO PW. Artemis also includes a polyphonic sequencer, arpeggiator, support for MPE and polyphonic aftertouch, and a range of effects from Sinevibes, such as distortions/bit crush, chorus, ensemble, delays, reverbs and more.


- 2x Oscillator with waveshape, PWM, FM
- 1x Sub wave and Noise generator
- 1x 24/12dB super creamy and chartered Low Pass resonant filter with keyboard tracking, drive and oscillator / noise FM
- 1x High Pass filter
- 2x ADSR envelopes, one dedicated to VCA and one for LP filter Cutoff and VCO FM Amount. They will be both controlled in a smart and user friendly way, that does not require parallel parameter changes
- 2x Poly LFOs with BPM sync, Fade IN, various waves and cross mod controlling VCO pitch, VCF CUT, VCO WAVE and VCO PW
- Master stereo field spread
- SINEVIBES 4 types of full stereo effects that can be used at the same time:
   - Distortions / Bit Crash
   - Modulation effects (Chorus, Ensemble, etc)
   - Delay effects
   - Reverb effects
- Polyphonic sequencer
- Arpeggiator
- MPE compatible
- Poly Aftertouch
- ModWheel, Aftertouch and Velocity modulation Matrix


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2x VCO, Noise
1x 24/12dB LP, 1x HP
2x Poly LFO
375 x 185 x 55 mm
2,3 kg