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Soldano SLO Plus

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SLO PLUS Dual Overdrive pedal

Soldano SLO förstärkaren tog hela världen med storm när den kom, alla som var någon i LA i slutet av 80-talet till en bra bit in på 90 talet hade denna nära magiska förstärkare. Lika populär hos studiomusiker som turnerande livemusiker.

Här kommer den naturliga uppföljaren till den populära singel pedalen. Denna dubbelpedal ger dig samma ljudmöjligheter som en 2 kanals SLO topp, men den passar på ditt pedalbord.

Använd den som en vanlig pedal i effektloopen som Pre-Amp eller rakt in i en IR loader.


The SOLDANO SLO PLUS captures the playing experience of both the SLO-100 amplifier’s legendary channels in a powerful, compact new pedal. It delivers the genuine Soldano Overdrive high gain channel as well as the Normal channel’s inspiring crunch tones, in a single housing.


While many pedals chase the unique sounds of the legendary SLO amplifier, the SLO PLUS PEDAL truly embodies them…all of them. The SLO PLUS puts the entire SLO experience right on your pedalboard.


In 1987, Mike Soldano created the now legendary Super Lead Overdrive 100-watt tube head, setting the standard for modern high-gain amplification for nearly four decades, and is still one of the most coveted amps in history today. The SLO’s Overdrive channel quickly found itself backing renowned rock guitarists like Mick Mars (Motley Crue), Warren de Martini (Ratt), and Howard Leese (Heart), with the amp’s gorgeous Normal channel becoming the first choice for non-metal stalwarts such as Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, Warren Haynes, Gary Moore, and Lou Reed.


A Complete SLO in a Pedal


The SLO PLUS features the same cascading gain design as the SLO-100 amp. The original SLO pedal took the industry by storm. With the addition of the SLO Normal channel (crunch mode), the SLO PLUS now adds this instantly recognizable crunch tone with absolute authority.

The SLO PLUS can go from a rich but aggressive distortion, through complex barking crunch tones, to stunningly responsive cleans with the tap of your toe.


Double the Versatility


The SLO PLUS delivers all of the amp’s pristine and responsive tones while giving you complete control. Each channel features independent Master (output) and Preamp (gain) knobs and a perfectly tuned, amp-like 3-band EQ. The SLO PLUS also includes a Presence control and Deep switch to optimize the pedal’s high and low frequencies to match your equipment.


More Than Just an Overdrive


Whether leaning on it’s cleans, overdrive, or both, the SLO PLUS makes a fantastic preamp when running into a power amplifier or IR loader.

While many pedals chase the SLO sound, the SLO PLUS transcends them all. With the SLO PLUS you can enjoy the entire SLO experience right from your pedalboard.



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