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T-Rex Binson Echorec

Price20 690.00
Base price20 690.00
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T-Rex Binson Echorec


Kanske världens coolaste delay effekt är tillbaks.


Efter många års reverse-engineering och tester har T-Rex äntligen lyckats återskapa vad som kan vara den coolaste deleyeffekten på marknaden. Binson Echorec är tillbaks i nytt format, men lite moderna uppdateringar. Dessutom är den handbyggd i Danmark.

Med både Tele och XLR ut funkar den lika bra på ett pedalbord som i studion. Det skall dock sägas att du behöver ett ganska stort pedalbord för att få plats med den


It’s not easy to reinvent forgotten technology, but after many years of research, we found the lost secrets and brought back the authentic echoes from the 1950s. It’s known for its use in David Gilmour and Hank Marvin’s guitar tones, John Bonham even used it on drums! 


The Binson Echorec provides a unique and distinguishing type of echo supplied by a rotating metal drum where the audio signal is recorded through a magnetic recording head. The Four Playback heads will allow you to choose individual echoes and swells. 


-Two recording heads with short and long delays.


-Adjustment of drum speed +/- 20% 


-Four individual and switchable Playback heads 


-Four individual-level adjustments of the Playback heads. 


-Magic eye to determine input levels.


-Balanced in/out-put for studio use.


-Selection between Repeats and Swell.


-Connection for external drum speed adjustment.


-Connection for external Bypass. 

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Analog delay
100 x 250 x 190mm